Monday, January 28, 2013

Home School Mom, It's the Life For Me

We have managed to have a very successful day in the exciting Carlson School house, which leads me to today's topic.  All the question I get regarding home schooling, and might I add, all of the questions that Alana gets regarding home schooling.  It doesn't bother me a bit, however, lately it's been absolutely hilarious at times and so I thought if anyone was up for a good laugh, because I know I could sure use one today, this post would be worth the read. 

 I have made a list of some of the questions that the two of us have gotten recently. Now, no one get offended.  After all, we do not get offended, instead we find great humor in it all.  I'm thinking one day, it will make a great memory book of "funnies" for Alana.  So ready, here goes:

Our Top 15 Favorite's from this year so far (I'm going to try to provide the most educated answer that I can, but some are difficult)

15. Q: Do you guys eat breakfast or just lunch and are you allowed to have a snack?
      A:  My motto is: "Feed the child, feed the brain."(Although, we always just answer with a simple, "Yes, we eat breakfast, lunch, and lots of snacks.") BTW, we also eat dinner every
14.  Q: Do you milk cows? (lots of questions regarding having farm animals, livestock,etc)
       A:  No,  we live inside the city limits of  Blountstown, but wish we could have a cow to milk, because I'm tired of paying the cost of milk.  
13.  Q:  Do you eat other stuff besides turkey and PB&J sandwiches everyday for lunch?
     A: Yes
12.  Q: If you are home schooled, do you even do school?
     A: Yes, we even answer to the State of Florida DOE-:)
11. Q.  Does your mom sit on the couch all day?
     A:  Finding the humor in this one..No:)

The cutest questions...asked by kids and and answered by Alana:

10. Q: Have you ever ridden on a school Bus?
    Alana's answer:  I've ridden in a has ridden on a school bus.) she's just having fun with her
9. Q:  How many friends do you have?
    A:  Alana's answer, "um...".starts counting on fingers, runs out of fingers and then says, "wanna be my friend?" and another friend is gained  (imagine if us adults kept things this simple, wouldn't it be nice?)
8. Q. Do you get Water Day?
    A. Alana's answer: "When it's warm I do almost everyday because if I finish all of my work and make good grades on my tests and other work, I can ride my bike, get under the sprinkler, or get in the pool."
However, Alana has told me 100 times that she wants to be sprayed by the FIRE
6. Q. Can you read a chapter book?
    A. yes.
5.Q.  Alana's favorite question:  What do you call your teacher?
   A.  MOM, of course:)
4. Q: Can you go to the bathroom whenever you want to go?
    A:  Yes, unless my mom thinks I'm just going to hide out
3. Q. Does your mom have a Teacher's Lounge?
    A.  Alana's answer:  She tries to hide in the bathroom sometimes. (I really don't, I don't know why she says this)
2. Q.  Can your brother read yet?
    A.  Alana's answer, No, he's not two year's old yet...(I think it's the cutest question) 
1.  Q.  Do you get to watch T.V. while you do school?
     A.  No, my mom won't let me. (guess I'm a mean mom)
Now I guess it would only be right to give you 5 glimpses into our home school world.
  •  I am too joyful in the mornings.  (Yep, that's what Alana told me. I don't know where she gets this, because NO ONE has ever said such a thing about me.)
  •  She compared me to the Incredible Hulk when it comes to teaching me out...I don't think this was a compliment.
  •   Someone asked her recently if she enjoyed home school.  Her response, "Ask me on another day."
  •  She brought me a math worksheet and she was on problem number 3 out of 25, she asked, "were you wanting me to complete the entire worksheet or is this enough?"  hmmmm....want to guess what my answer was?
  • Micah decided to color the walls, toilet, bathroom doors, and cabinets the other day and then came to tell me about it.  Tip:  Windex is wonderful for removing crayon off  all of  the above with one wipe. 
SO many more I could add, but really did want to keep it fun. Hope you all will continue to read my blog. 

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August in Review

August has been a very busy month and we are not quite done yet. Micah turned 5 months on August 16, and is doing so much: sitting on his own, playing every morning and afternoon in his activity saucer for 15 minutes at a time, pushing up on his forearms and getting on his knees when he is on his belly. He has also already cut his two front bottom teeth and appears to be working on cutting a top tooth. I'm thinking we are going to have a crawler very soon. He is growing so quickly and we are totally captivated by his every move.
Alana is getting ready to begin 2nd grade. I just can't believe that my child is going into 2nd grade. Where has all of the time gone? She is full of energy, love and zeal for life. Her typical days in the month of August have consisted of play dates, swimming, riding her bike, Bible School (she attended 5 this summer), traveling and hanging out with the family. I have promised her that we WILL go to the beach before summer ends, so I have two weeks left to make that promise come true.
Jim hashad a busy month so far and we are praising God for his new position/transfer closer to home. He will begin at his new location on the September 1, and we are so happy that he will be closer to home now. We are going to really enjoy meeting him for lunch and getting to kiss and hug him goodbye in the mornings now that he will not be leavign quite so early. God is AWESOME!!!! He always works things out for the good for those who love him (just a little
I have also had a busy month so far. One of the memorable things I've done this month besides playing the role of mom and giving vocal and piano lessons was being a part of the Royal Tea hosted by the 1st P.H. Church. It was a great experience and the guests speaker, Connie Hale, really spoke a message that penetrated deeply. Her word somewhat revived my heart and reminded me of the quality of life I have as a "Daughter of the King." I have willfully let go every unkind, critical and negative word ever spoken over me. I have determined that I WILL NOT listen to, entertain or accept any opinion of me given by others that is contrary to the words and thoughts of GOD. I am living a more productive and satisfying life because of it.
Below are a few pictures to document this month. I will obviously be adding more pics as the month comes to an end. In the future I will only update this section on a monthly basis.

Micah in His Activity Saucer 5 months

Micah in His Activity Saucer 5 months
Favorite morning Actvity.

Micah Sitting 19 Weeks

Micah Sitting 19 Weeks
Showing Off for Mommy!

Splash Pad

Splash Pad
Alana loves the splash pad in Marianna, one of her favorite summer activties. She plays and the entire family watches

Alana's Fort

Alana's Fort
Mommy was lucky enough to hang out in her fort.

A Royal Tea

A Royal Tea
Ministering at the 1st PH Ladies Tea

Daddy's "Moment of Summer"

Daddy's "Moment of Summer"
Babptizing his little girl with Grandpa Goodman and Pap Carlson

Hometown Nazareth Bible School

Hometown Nazareth Bible School
1 of 5 Bible Schools Alana attended

Micah's 1st VBS, WORN OUT!

Going all out for the kids=totally worth it.

About Me

My photo
Tallahassee, FL, United States
I am 31 years old and married to the love of my life, Jim Carlson and mother to seven year old,Alana Grace, and 5 month old, Micah James. I am currently a stay at home mother, homeschool teacher and piano and vocal instructor.
