Saturday, May 30, 2009

A Walk in McClay Gardens

Our day at McClay Gardens began with a stroll by the water. We had never been to the Gardens until yesterday, so it was a new experience for all three of us and we each were amazed at the gorgeous view of the water, landscaping and how such a gorgeous piece of land could be tucked away in the city of Tallahassee.

Me and Jim sat down at a picnic table while Alana explored the playground. She made her way to each activity, but her very favo
rite was seeing how high she could go on the swing. I was a little sad when I realized that she no longer needs me to give her a push to get going. She knows how to swing and get very high very quickly. Just shows how much she's growing and she's becoming more and more independent (well, at least with small things).

The Walk thru the gardens....we made great memories....

I was wondering how Alana would do, but I should not have worried. She seemed to enjoy the walk as much as us. I was able to get some great pictures of Jim and Alana together as well as me and Alana. Alana was so loving. She gave lots of kisses and hugs. We all had a wonderful afternoon just being family and enjoying being with one another. When I looked thru all of the pictures I had taken I was amazed that I was able to capture so many great moments.

Alana was all about being close to her Daddy yesterday. It was so times I just stood back in amazement at their interaction. They have a lot of fun together. I realize how "Free Spirited" both of them are, especially when they are together. These are my favorite pictures of the two of them from yesterday. I'm sure I will cherish these for a long time.

Sometime, I just get lucky enough to capture such great moments on camera.

And then I had my beautiful moments with Alana. I never doubt why I'm here on earth when I hold her in my arms. She reminds me everyday how wonderful life is and reminds me that it's okay to let go.

The Lord must have known how much I needed this day. I enjoyed the entire day PAIN FREE and FATIUE FREE. GOD YOU ARE AN INCREDIBLE GOD!!

After recently being extremeley tired all the time for no apparent reason as well as experiencing an array of random symptoms, I was given the name of an Auto Immune Disease and told that it was something I would battle for the rest of my life. Don't get me wrong, I realize how blessed I am and that other people are dealing with struggles that are far worse than this. But five or ten years ago, I never fathomed that going on the age of 29, I would battle such fatigue and pain as I do. The difficulty doesn't just come with the symptoms, but coping with the fact that at any given moment I can go from feeling phenominal to feeling like I can't pick my head up. But God is in control of this situation. I trust that I'm going to have a complete healing. Whether he decides to heal me miraculously or thru medicine or through a progression of time, that's completely up to him. Afterall he is in control. Regardless, I've chosen to stay in the mindset of being positive about what I'm going thru. Something inside of me, I believe it's faith, tells me that this storm will soon be over. At least that's what I choose to believe.

I recently decided that there are a few things that seem to boost my spirits. Of course praying and reading God's word, that's a given. But there's also something about being surround by family and friends who you know care about you and just want the best for your life. Two of the people that keep my spirit lifted are Jim and Alana. I've had some of the best moments with them recently. One of the things about what I'm going thru is that it has truly made me slow down a little. I'm learning to prioritize my time better, and I'm realizing more and more what's MOST IMPORTANT..and second to GOD that's my family which include extended family. Whether we are watching a movie, out on the town or enjoying different aspects of nature together, God has shown me that these moments are what keep me going.

I also gain a lot of strength being surround by my extended family from my church. I've really grown to love, actually I've fallen in love witht he people there. Today at church, my friend Janet stood up and shared a scripture and words from her heart that she felt God had given her today. And I have to say, Janet was God's angel today. He just poured out his spirit and annointing on her as she shared what the Lord had place on her lips. She had no idea, but I was blessed beyond measure by the words that she shared. Even though I was on stage ministering and giving everything that I had for the GLORY of the Lord, he still chose to minister to me thru such a willing vessel as Janet and it was awesome. Thank you Janet for your obedience and I know that what you shared was for more than just me, many people were blessed by that word.

So after such a wonderful weekend with my family and a great day in the Presence of Almighty God, I'm ready to begin this power-packed week. I pray that whoever reads this is encouraged and reminded that no matter what you are going thru God is right by your side. To be honest, lately I feel like he's been carrying me most of the way and it's been awesome to be in the arms of my Father.

My Thoughts of My Heavenly Father

You have set me free

Given me a brand new start

I soar on eagles wings with a forgiven heart

My feet are ready to run

My heart is ready to dance

songs of praise i'll sing

and forever I'll stand in your presence

Friday, May 29, 2009

Beach Bums

As I was sitting at my desk today attempting to accomplish all of the tasks ahead, I kept thinking back to a trip that my family took to Destin, FL this past September. I guess I was going on vacation in my mind. I came home tonight and pulled up the pictures from the trip and was reminded of what a special trip that was. We had the best time with eachother. These pictures remind me just how lucky I am to have such a beautiful little girl and loving husband. Whether we're building sand castles in the sand, strolling down the shoreline of the beach or simply sitting at home with eachother, there's nothing like being with my family. It is the greatest reward and the best therapy I could ever wish for.

Alana would spend hours building sand castles.....

Every night we walked down to the Boardwalk and would sit on a bench by the water and listen to the music in the distant background.

Alana and Mommy "cutting a rug." Every night a band would be playing on the square and Alana would beg me to dance with her. She definitely got me out of my comfort zone. Jim always stood back and took pictures.

My Thoughts Toward the Lord Today

You whisper words of freedom
and speak "peace be still"
extend your loving-kindness
and show a love that's real....
Thank you Lord!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Walk Down Memory Lane...6 Great Years

I am blessed to have such a wonderful husband. We've had an awesome marriage. Jim is truly the Best friend that I've ever had. These pictures just make me smile..he makes me smile. I love him so much!

1st came Love.... then came marriage..... and you know the rest........

and Alana was God's gift to us. She's awesome and was quite unexpected, but the Lord knew what he was doing....

isn't she cute? I remember

this day very well..

and she grew...and grew a little more...and she still LOVES ice cream

And her personality really started to show, it's a great mixture of both me and JIM...Except for when she acts out (that's all JIM).....

and now no matter what we are doing...we're happy to be doing it as a family or "THE 3 Musketeers." We have a ton of fun together....we all crack eachother up, especially when we're tired...

Oh yea I almost forgot!!

and then came GIGI...and she has brought us all a ton of joy. But especially Alana

I'm amazed, if Alana can do it, then you better believe she thinks GIGI should do it too....for example

Yes....I think the pictures say it all!

Some of our recent Ventures in Travel...

In September we went to Destin, FL for a family vacation. It was so much fun...The beach is one of mine and Jim's favorite places and there is nowhere else on earth that Alana would rather be.

In February, me and Jim went on a week long cruise to the Bahamas. It was AWESOME!!!!! I can not stress that enough. We spent a week with one another along with many friends of ours from LifeWay Community Church and had the time of our lives. On the "Marriage Enrichment" cruise, we focused on eachother and left the rest of the world to itself. What a wonderful Get-A-Way.

I wish I were at sea....

One of our most exciting recent memories as a family was celebrating Alana's Pre-School graduation. It was so much fun to watch her along with all of the other children show off for their parents. From the alphabet song to dance with their eyes closed, head back and tongue out ..she showed us how much she had learned and she looked really adorable as well.

She's such a big girl....

What's next for The Carlson 3...Stay tuned....and you will see!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Nothing is Impossible with GOD

It's amazing to me how GOD works. The Bible says that he works in mysterious ways. In the past, I often times wondered why I must endure certain seasons of my life only to find that once that season was over, new growth had developed inside of me and I became stronger and even more passionate about life. Recently, I've had to face a season in my life that's been very difficult for me to understand. At first I wondered how I would cope, but after sincerely praying unto GOD and asking for his help and understanding, I was reminded that the Lord is by my side and that I can do all things thru Christ which strengthens me. Phillipians 4:13

In the midst of this storm, the Lord has shown me that it's not so much what I'm going thru, but how I go thru it. A couple of weeks ago out of no where I suddenly started seeing pictures in my mind of the news anchors from, "The Weather Channel" and all of them were reporting during severe weather. And I thought to myslef, "this is random." Seconds later I realized that the Lord had dropped that thought in my Spirit and was showing me that sometimes instead of worrying or just giving up because of the conditions of the storm, you have to get in the game, get your rain gear on and PRAISE HIM in the storm no matter the condition of the storm. He aslo reminded me that the reason the weather men can stay overnight and report on a storm is beacuse they know that it will eventually end, and they will see clearer weather conditions. I've been a different person since then, because mentally that's exactly what I did. I decided that I wasn't going to worry or fret, but that my faith and trust in GOD was my "rain gear". There's a popular Christian song and some of the lyrics are, "I will praise you in this storm, and I will lift my hands...." and that's exactly where I am with my daily walk in this life. I walk by faith and not by sight and know that his word has stood the test of time. I have no need to fear, doubt or worry but enough faith to believe.

All things are possible to him who believes. Mark 9:23

Marriage Enrichment Cruise

My husband and I recently went on a cruise to the Bahamas. We went with many of our friends from LifeWay Community Church and had the time of our lives. During the cruise we focused on growing in our relationship and learing to communicate better. While on the cruise, I was reminded how important it is to take time out with your spouse without distractions. This was such a great trip and I can't wait until the next one.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Pap and Nana Come to Visit

Dad and Mom Carlson and little Hannah came to visit us a few weeks back. We had a blast!! Alana and Hannah enjoyed swimming with Nana and going to ZOINKS to play. And I think every
one had their share of Krispy Kreme...One things for sure everyone had a great time.

I love this man....

Alana Grace...she keeps me laughing, loving and going on the days that it seems hard. She's the little one that keeps me grounded.

August in Review

August has been a very busy month and we are not quite done yet. Micah turned 5 months on August 16, and is doing so much: sitting on his own, playing every morning and afternoon in his activity saucer for 15 minutes at a time, pushing up on his forearms and getting on his knees when he is on his belly. He has also already cut his two front bottom teeth and appears to be working on cutting a top tooth. I'm thinking we are going to have a crawler very soon. He is growing so quickly and we are totally captivated by his every move.
Alana is getting ready to begin 2nd grade. I just can't believe that my child is going into 2nd grade. Where has all of the time gone? She is full of energy, love and zeal for life. Her typical days in the month of August have consisted of play dates, swimming, riding her bike, Bible School (she attended 5 this summer), traveling and hanging out with the family. I have promised her that we WILL go to the beach before summer ends, so I have two weeks left to make that promise come true.
Jim hashad a busy month so far and we are praising God for his new position/transfer closer to home. He will begin at his new location on the September 1, and we are so happy that he will be closer to home now. We are going to really enjoy meeting him for lunch and getting to kiss and hug him goodbye in the mornings now that he will not be leavign quite so early. God is AWESOME!!!! He always works things out for the good for those who love him (just a little
I have also had a busy month so far. One of the memorable things I've done this month besides playing the role of mom and giving vocal and piano lessons was being a part of the Royal Tea hosted by the 1st P.H. Church. It was a great experience and the guests speaker, Connie Hale, really spoke a message that penetrated deeply. Her word somewhat revived my heart and reminded me of the quality of life I have as a "Daughter of the King." I have willfully let go every unkind, critical and negative word ever spoken over me. I have determined that I WILL NOT listen to, entertain or accept any opinion of me given by others that is contrary to the words and thoughts of GOD. I am living a more productive and satisfying life because of it.
Below are a few pictures to document this month. I will obviously be adding more pics as the month comes to an end. In the future I will only update this section on a monthly basis.

Micah in His Activity Saucer 5 months

Micah in His Activity Saucer 5 months
Favorite morning Actvity.

Micah Sitting 19 Weeks

Micah Sitting 19 Weeks
Showing Off for Mommy!

Splash Pad

Splash Pad
Alana loves the splash pad in Marianna, one of her favorite summer activties. She plays and the entire family watches

Alana's Fort

Alana's Fort
Mommy was lucky enough to hang out in her fort.

A Royal Tea

A Royal Tea
Ministering at the 1st PH Ladies Tea

Daddy's "Moment of Summer"

Daddy's "Moment of Summer"
Babptizing his little girl with Grandpa Goodman and Pap Carlson

Hometown Nazareth Bible School

Hometown Nazareth Bible School
1 of 5 Bible Schools Alana attended

Micah's 1st VBS, WORN OUT!

Going all out for the kids=totally worth it.

About Me

My photo
Tallahassee, FL, United States
I am 31 years old and married to the love of my life, Jim Carlson and mother to seven year old,Alana Grace, and 5 month old, Micah James. I am currently a stay at home mother, homeschool teacher and piano and vocal instructor.
