Friday, April 13, 2012

A Few Updates

April has definitely made it's mark and we are not even halfway there. But that's okay. Nothing is too big for God to handle which is what has inspired this particular blog.

Update 1: As many of you know, Jim became very ill a couple of days before Easter. He ended up having a Diverticulitis attack. During consults with the Doctor, we were warned that if it got as bad as last time that hospitalization and possible surgery would be in his near future. Remember how I started the blog? Nothing is too big for God to handle. I dont' want to blog too much about his pain and agony during this recent battle. I want to put more emphasis on God's healing power. He has really touched Jim's body once again. He helped Jim to escape hospitalization and surgery and the anitbiotics that have not worked in the past, seem to be doing the trick this time. Once again, God has been faithful and I am so thankful. Jim was able to go back to work again today. He is very tired simply because his stamina is not what it was before becoming ill. We plan to relax this weekend and thank God as a family for Jim's healing.

Update 2: Even though things have been tough the last week or so, we still managed to celebrate Easter and enjoy some more "firsts" for Micah. He enjoyed two Easter egg hunts. He was perfectly happy with picking up two eggs at each hunt (one for each hand). He also enjoyed dumping his basket and picking the eggs up over and over again. Alana also enjoyed the egg hunts, but it's really obvious to me this year just how much she is growing up. She still enjoys things like this, but the interest was a little less than in years past. Last year, I hid eggs for 2 weeks after Easter. This year, there were no requests for extra egg hunts once the first hunt was over. Even though Easter has passed, I'm thinking about coloring more eggs with her this weekend. Last weekend was so tough that we didn't get to spend a lot of mommy/daughter time together enjoying some of our past Easter traditions such as coloring eggs. I hope to make up for it this weekend.

Update 3: Micah turned 1 on March 16th. I am planning to do a 1 year celebration soon. So hang tight for details.

Update 4: School is still going great. Alana has completed most of her 2nd grade curriculum. I've been blown away by her dedication and motivation to get her work completed on time. When we started in August, I felt like I said, "Use your time wisely" and "stay on task" 1,000 times a day. But now, there are days when I have to tell myself that in order to keep up with her. She takes a lot of pride in her school work and she really does enjoy her learning time. I have decided that she is mostly like her Father as far as her interest. She begs to do History everyday and she prefers to do it first. She can tell me things that she's learned in History and details that I would have not really expected her to remember. She knows her Geography as well. The other day we were riding down the road and she said, "Hey mom, I'm ready to get a wall poster of North America." It was very random, but I said, "Okay, I'll get to work on finding you one" She has also blown me away with her journal entries. She's giving so much detail in her writing. I hope to share one on this blog soon. (once I figure out how to load) I had plan to go until late June with her schooling, but it looks like we will be finished by the middle to the end of May. How exciting! We will continue however with a light curriculum (mainly review) throughout the summer. For those of you wondering, probably no more than 30 minutes a day. We will continue to push reading this summer as well.

If you are enjoying this blog, please let me know or become a follower. It really is a good way to keep up with our family and the children.

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August in Review

August has been a very busy month and we are not quite done yet. Micah turned 5 months on August 16, and is doing so much: sitting on his own, playing every morning and afternoon in his activity saucer for 15 minutes at a time, pushing up on his forearms and getting on his knees when he is on his belly. He has also already cut his two front bottom teeth and appears to be working on cutting a top tooth. I'm thinking we are going to have a crawler very soon. He is growing so quickly and we are totally captivated by his every move.
Alana is getting ready to begin 2nd grade. I just can't believe that my child is going into 2nd grade. Where has all of the time gone? She is full of energy, love and zeal for life. Her typical days in the month of August have consisted of play dates, swimming, riding her bike, Bible School (she attended 5 this summer), traveling and hanging out with the family. I have promised her that we WILL go to the beach before summer ends, so I have two weeks left to make that promise come true.
Jim hashad a busy month so far and we are praising God for his new position/transfer closer to home. He will begin at his new location on the September 1, and we are so happy that he will be closer to home now. We are going to really enjoy meeting him for lunch and getting to kiss and hug him goodbye in the mornings now that he will not be leavign quite so early. God is AWESOME!!!! He always works things out for the good for those who love him (just a little
I have also had a busy month so far. One of the memorable things I've done this month besides playing the role of mom and giving vocal and piano lessons was being a part of the Royal Tea hosted by the 1st P.H. Church. It was a great experience and the guests speaker, Connie Hale, really spoke a message that penetrated deeply. Her word somewhat revived my heart and reminded me of the quality of life I have as a "Daughter of the King." I have willfully let go every unkind, critical and negative word ever spoken over me. I have determined that I WILL NOT listen to, entertain or accept any opinion of me given by others that is contrary to the words and thoughts of GOD. I am living a more productive and satisfying life because of it.
Below are a few pictures to document this month. I will obviously be adding more pics as the month comes to an end. In the future I will only update this section on a monthly basis.

Micah in His Activity Saucer 5 months

Micah in His Activity Saucer 5 months
Favorite morning Actvity.

Micah Sitting 19 Weeks

Micah Sitting 19 Weeks
Showing Off for Mommy!

Splash Pad

Splash Pad
Alana loves the splash pad in Marianna, one of her favorite summer activties. She plays and the entire family watches

Alana's Fort

Alana's Fort
Mommy was lucky enough to hang out in her fort.

A Royal Tea

A Royal Tea
Ministering at the 1st PH Ladies Tea

Daddy's "Moment of Summer"

Daddy's "Moment of Summer"
Babptizing his little girl with Grandpa Goodman and Pap Carlson

Hometown Nazareth Bible School

Hometown Nazareth Bible School
1 of 5 Bible Schools Alana attended

Micah's 1st VBS, WORN OUT!

Going all out for the kids=totally worth it.

About Me

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Tallahassee, FL, United States
I am 31 years old and married to the love of my life, Jim Carlson and mother to seven year old,Alana Grace, and 5 month old, Micah James. I am currently a stay at home mother, homeschool teacher and piano and vocal instructor.
