Thursday, April 5, 2012

Don't Come to Work Today

I had just finished a call to the sitter to make sure that she was on her way. Then, my phone rang and my boss asked, "are you on your way to the club?" I said, "No, why is something wrong?" She said, "stay home, we've canceled due to bad weather." I hope she couldn't hear the level of excitement on my end of the line. I tried to be professional, but I was so happy to know that I was getting the afternoon off. Our lives have been so rushed lately. I go here, run there, trade off with Jim with the children, meet Jim and trade off again, give lessons, work at the club, homeschool (have I mentioned chasing a one year old little boy) etc. Last night we actually met at my mom and dad's house. We usually drive to church separately on Wednesday nights, but I think Jim was afraid he wouldn't get even a moment with me unless he hopped in the car that I was driving. Even then, we were doing business. Go to the bank, go to practice, pick up egg orders, etc. (peanutbutter easter eggs, no we aren't raising chickens Thankfully we had a moment before going home to have a sandwich at Subway. Alana had asked if she could have a sub for dinner, since she had heard that the two of us had eaten at Subway at some point during the weekly madness. It was a nice moment that we all had together. And Mr. Micah loves Subway as well. I don't think we are too far off from having to order him a sandwich. (okaya, that was a little bit of a rabbit trail). So, needless to say, when my boss called today, I was very pleased to have the day off. I didn't do anything except sit down and try to relax. No, I didn't even watch T.V. I just wanted some peace and quiet. For a moment this evening, I had some feelings of guilt for not taking the extra time to pull things together here at the house, but that guilt only lasted for a second. Because I was able to slow down a little today, I feel like I can conquer tomorrow.

Sometimes, it's not until I get still and quiet, that it hits me just how fast-paced life can be. No one is going to give you time. We are allotted 24 hours in a day. Some days I use that time wisely, other days it feels like no matter what I do it's still not enough time and other days, you'd think that I was deliberatley trying to waste time. I always have good intentions, but the truth is, the balance just isn't always there. I find that I get weary, weepy, annoyed, restless and probably many other things. I'm sure my husband could paint a more realistic picture of me during these I definitley do not do well when I'm sleep deprived. I also don't sleep well under the stress. So, being more busy or engaging in even more activity or volunteering for yet another event obviously isn't the answer. But how do I slow down when I'm just driven to do more and more and more. The answer can't be quiting, giving up or even avoiding new activites. As others would say, 'adding more to my plate." For me the answer is just taking moments during my day where I just stop and take a moment to be peaceful, thankful and humbled again. The days that I feel like I've overdone it or have too much on my plate are also the days that when I stop and reflect I realize that I've done everything in my own strength. So many times I start my day off with a conversation with God and great intentions of letting him lead my day. But somewhere along the way, whether it's during a poopy diaper change or a math lesson with a second grader who is not so happy with her teacher, I get consumed with my own feelings of how I wanted things to go and before I know it, I've totally forgotten God was even present. I no longer look to him and begin to look to myself for strength. When will I ever learn? Well the truth is, I'm learning every day and every step of the way. Some nights I look back on the day and feel so accomplished. Other days, not so much. But the truth is, no one ever said that everything I have taken on would be easy every second of the journey. I don't want anything to change except for myself. I pray that I become stronger in learning to stop and take moments to be thankful for this beautiful life I've been given and to be reminded daily that God's strength is perfect when my strength is completely gone.

I certainly need to take some moments for some peace and quiet other than when I'm called and told not to go into work. That's the key for me. Giving myself the time that I need. Remembering that each day is a gift from God, opening that gift and enjoying all of the beauty that he's placed inside. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. It will be another great gift that I will recieve happily. Nothing like being a wife, mother, homeschool teacher, etc. there's nothing like it in this Great big world.

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August in Review

August has been a very busy month and we are not quite done yet. Micah turned 5 months on August 16, and is doing so much: sitting on his own, playing every morning and afternoon in his activity saucer for 15 minutes at a time, pushing up on his forearms and getting on his knees when he is on his belly. He has also already cut his two front bottom teeth and appears to be working on cutting a top tooth. I'm thinking we are going to have a crawler very soon. He is growing so quickly and we are totally captivated by his every move.
Alana is getting ready to begin 2nd grade. I just can't believe that my child is going into 2nd grade. Where has all of the time gone? She is full of energy, love and zeal for life. Her typical days in the month of August have consisted of play dates, swimming, riding her bike, Bible School (she attended 5 this summer), traveling and hanging out with the family. I have promised her that we WILL go to the beach before summer ends, so I have two weeks left to make that promise come true.
Jim hashad a busy month so far and we are praising God for his new position/transfer closer to home. He will begin at his new location on the September 1, and we are so happy that he will be closer to home now. We are going to really enjoy meeting him for lunch and getting to kiss and hug him goodbye in the mornings now that he will not be leavign quite so early. God is AWESOME!!!! He always works things out for the good for those who love him (just a little
I have also had a busy month so far. One of the memorable things I've done this month besides playing the role of mom and giving vocal and piano lessons was being a part of the Royal Tea hosted by the 1st P.H. Church. It was a great experience and the guests speaker, Connie Hale, really spoke a message that penetrated deeply. Her word somewhat revived my heart and reminded me of the quality of life I have as a "Daughter of the King." I have willfully let go every unkind, critical and negative word ever spoken over me. I have determined that I WILL NOT listen to, entertain or accept any opinion of me given by others that is contrary to the words and thoughts of GOD. I am living a more productive and satisfying life because of it.
Below are a few pictures to document this month. I will obviously be adding more pics as the month comes to an end. In the future I will only update this section on a monthly basis.

Micah in His Activity Saucer 5 months

Micah in His Activity Saucer 5 months
Favorite morning Actvity.

Micah Sitting 19 Weeks

Micah Sitting 19 Weeks
Showing Off for Mommy!

Splash Pad

Splash Pad
Alana loves the splash pad in Marianna, one of her favorite summer activties. She plays and the entire family watches

Alana's Fort

Alana's Fort
Mommy was lucky enough to hang out in her fort.

A Royal Tea

A Royal Tea
Ministering at the 1st PH Ladies Tea

Daddy's "Moment of Summer"

Daddy's "Moment of Summer"
Babptizing his little girl with Grandpa Goodman and Pap Carlson

Hometown Nazareth Bible School

Hometown Nazareth Bible School
1 of 5 Bible Schools Alana attended

Micah's 1st VBS, WORN OUT!

Going all out for the kids=totally worth it.

About Me

My photo
Tallahassee, FL, United States
I am 31 years old and married to the love of my life, Jim Carlson and mother to seven year old,Alana Grace, and 5 month old, Micah James. I am currently a stay at home mother, homeschool teacher and piano and vocal instructor.
